Round 8 quality matrix now available
Analysis of the processes and outcomes of implementing the eighth iteration of the European Social Survey (ESS) - fielded in late 2016 and early 2017 - is now available.
The report assesses every aspect of undertaking the survey, including sampling, the translation of the questionnaire, pre-testing, interviewer recruitment and training, fieldwork, the interview process and data deposit and processing.
Since Round 6 (2012/13) of the survey, a report has been produced to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the survey’s implementation.
It provides an overview of the survey’s processes and measures the quality of the collected data to offer advice and recommendations for future survey rounds.
The report - aimed at substantive data users, survey methodological researchers, survey sponsors and practitioners - focuses on the quality of Round 8 data and the data collection process.
The assessment mainly draws on ESS data and documentation that is publicly available, including the main questionnaire, interviewer questionnaire and contact form data, the data documentation report and documents such as advance letters to respondents.
Stages in the survey lifecycle which are sparsely documented additionally draw on information from the ESS Sampling Expert Panel, Translation Team, Survey Quality Predictor Team, Fieldwork Team and country contacts.
Quality matrix for the European Social Survey, Round 8: Overall fieldwork and data quality report was written on behalf of the Core Scientific Team (CST) by Celine Wuyts and Geert Loosveldt (Centre for Sociological Research, KU Leuven).

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Stefan Swift
T: +44 (0)207 0404907