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ESS10 Second release (edition 2.0)

The second edition of data and documentation for ESS round 10 was released Thursday 8th of December.

The second edition of data and documentation for ESS round 10 was released Thursday 8th of December.

Edition 2.0 includes data from the following 25 countries: Austria, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Czechia, Germany, Estonia, Spain, Finland, France, Greece, Croatia, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Lithuania, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia.

Due to the pandemic, ESS data collection mode in Austria, Germany, Serbia, Spain, Sweden and Poland was self-completion, not face to face. For further information on how to deal with different modes of data collection in ESS10, please consult Note on ESS Round 10 Data Collection Modes in the ESS Data Portal.

The release also includes data from the Interviewer's questionnaire, and contact forms.

ESS round 10 includes rotating modules on the topics: "Digital Social Contacts in Work and Family Life" and "Understandings and Evaluations of Democracy" (also fielded in ESS round 6).

All data and documentation is accessible from the ESS Data Portal.

ESS10 First release (edition 1.0)

The first edition of data and documentation for ESS round 10 was released Thursday 23rd of June.

The first edition of data and documentation for ESS round 10 was released Thursday 23rd of June.

Edition 1.0 includes data from the following countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Estonia, Finland, France, Hungary, Lithuania, Slovakia and Slovenia.

The release also includes data from the Interviewer's questionnaire, and contact form for Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Estonia, Finland, France, Hungary, Lithuania, Slovakia and Slovenia.

ESS round 10 includes rotating modules on the topics: "Digital Social Contacts in Work and Family Life" and "Understandings and Evaluations of Democracy" (also fielded in ESS round 6).

Data and documentation is accessible from the ESS Data Portal.

ESS9 Albanian data released

The Albanian data for ESS round 9 was released 03.12.21.

The Albanian data for ESS round 9 was released 03.12.21. Albania will not be included in the ESS9 integrated file, due to unresolved issues with the quality of the data.

Data and documentation is accessible from the ESS Data Portal.

ESS9 Romanian data released

The Romanian data for ESS round 9 was released 10.09.21. Romania participated on a pilot basis in Round 9 and will not be included in the ESS9 integrated file.

The Romanian data for ESS round 9 was released 10.09.21. Romania participated on a pilot basis in Round 9 and will not be included in the ESS9 integrated file.

Weights (ANWEIGHT, DWEIGHT, PSPWGHT) will be included in a future update later in 2021.

Data and documentation is accessible from the Romanian country page.

ESS9 New edition (3.1) of main data

A new edition (3.1) of data for ESS round 9 was published on 17 of February 2021.

The new release is due to some corrections in the Hungarian and Croatian data. For further details please see ESS9 version notes.

ESS9 edition 3.1 data and the updated ESS9 Data Documentation Report (edition 3.1), are available from the data download pages.

ESS9 Third edition (3.0) of Contact form data

A new edition of data (3.0) from contact forms for ESS round 9 is now available for download.

A new edition of data (3.0) from contact forms for ESS round 9 is now available for download in the ESS9 - 2018 Data download section. In this edition, data and documentation for Denmark and Iceland has been added.

The Contact form data for ESS round 9 now includes 29 countries:  Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.

ESS9 New edition (3.0) of Interviewer's questionnaire data

A new edition of ESS9 Interviewer's questionnaire data (3.0) is now available for download. In this edition, data and documentation for Denmark and Iceland has been added.

A new edition of ESS9 Interviewer's questionnaire data (3.0) is now available for download on the ESS9 - 2018 Data download section. In this edition, data and documentation for Denmark and Iceland has been added.

The Contact form data for ESS round 9 now includes 29 countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.

ESS9 New edition (3.0) of test (MTMM) data

The third edition of test data (edition 3.0) from main questionnaire for ESS round 9 was released on December 18th, 2020.

The third edition of test data (edition 3.0) from main questionnaire for ESS round 9 was released on December 18th, 2020. The data contains test variables from questions C31 (ADMDW), C32 (TESTHC32) to C40 (TESTHC40) and section I (TESTHI1 to TESTHI9). The data is available on the ESS9 - 2018 Data Download page. In this edition, data for Denmark and Iceland has been added.

The 29 countries included in ESS9 Edition 3.0 are: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.

ESS1-9 Cumulative file

The ESS Data and Documentation section has been updated with a cumulative data file for the first nine rounds of the ESS.

The ESS Data and Documentation section has been updated with a cumulative data file for the first nine rounds of the ESS. The cumulative data are available from the ESS Cumulative Data Wizard, where users can customise their own subsets of data in different formats. The ESS Cumulative Data Wizard gives access to cumulative data from countries that have been included in the integrated ESS files in two or more rounds. All variables that have been asked in more than one round are included in the cumulative data file.

ESS9 Third release (edition 3.0)

We are pleased to announce that the third edition of data and documentation for ESS Round 9 was released on Thursday 10 December 2020.

We are pleased to announce that the third edition of data and documentation for ESS Round 9 was released on Thursday 10 December 2020. In this third edition, data and documentation for an additional 2 countries are included: Denmark and Iceland.

Edition 3.0 includes data from the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.

Question mark in front of monitor screen displaying a bar chart.

Data enquiries

If you have any questions regarding data or documentation, please contact data support: