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ESS7 New edition (ed. 2.3) of Main data available
A new version of the ESS7 integrated file (edition 2.3) was published on 24 November 2023.
A new version of the ESS7 integrated file (edition 2.3) was published on 24 November 2023.
The new release is due to some corrections in the education variables for Norway. The analysis weight (anweight) is added.
For more information, see version information for the ESS7 integrated file on the ESS Data Portal.
ESS1-9 Cumulative file
The ESS Data and Documentation section has been updated with a cumulative data file for the first nine rounds of the ESS.
The ESS Data and Documentation section has been updated with a cumulative data file for the first nine rounds of the ESS. The cumulative data are available from the ESS Cumulative Data Wizard, where users can customise their own subsets of data in different formats. The ESS Cumulative Data Wizard gives access to cumulative data from countries that have been included in the integrated ESS files in two or more rounds. All variables that have been asked in more than one round are included in the cumulative data file.
New ESS 1-8 data release
All rounds of the ESS have been updated in a major upgrade of the ESS data and documentation 01.12.18.
All rounds of the ESS have been updated in a major upgrade of the ESS data and documentation 01.12.18. For an overview of the changes in variables and country data, see version notes for ESS1, ESS2, ESS3, ESS4, ESS5, ESS6, ESS7 and ESS8 respectively.
The ESS Cumulative Data Wizard, where users can customise their own subsets of data in different formats, will be updated with all eight rounds of the ESS within the next two weeks.
ESS7 Error in INWMME and INWYYE for Netherlands
10 respondents from the Netherlands were listed with incorrect values in the variables that correspond to interview timing.
10 respondents from the Netherlands were listed with incorrect values in the variables that correspond to interview timing. The issue will be corrected in the future editions of ESS7. See below for suggested temporary solution to the problem:
DO IF (cntry="NL" and (idno = 3364 or idno = 6194)).
RECODE inwmme (12=1).
DO IF (cntry="NL" and (idno = 1276 or idno = 6003 or idno = 6120)).
RECODE inwyye (2014=2015).
DO IF (cntry="NL" and (idno = 2228 or idno = 2405 or idno = 3266 or idno = 3469 or idno = 3689)).
RECODE inwyye (2015=2014).
replace INWMME = 1 if IDNO == 3364 & CNTRY == "NL"
replace INWMME = 1 if IDNO == 6194 & CNTRY == "NL"
replace INWYYE = 2015 if IDNO == 1276 & CNTRY == "NL"
replace INWYYE = 2015 if IDNO == 6003 & CNTRY == "NL"
replace INWYYE = 2015 if IDNO == 6120 & CNTRY == "NL"
replace INWYYE = 2014 if IDNO == 2228 & CNTRY == "NL"
replace INWYYE = 2014 if IDNO == 2405 & CNTRY == "NL"
replace INWYYE = 2014 if IDNO == 3266 & CNTRY == "NL"
replace INWYYE = 2014 if IDNO == 3469 & CNTRY == "NL"
replace INWYYE = 2014 if IDNO == 3689 & CNTRY == "NL"
if cntry="NL" and idno in(3364,6194) then do;
if cntry="NL" and idno in(1276,6003,6120) then do;
if cntry="NL" and idno in(2228,2405,3266,3469,3689) then do;
ESS7 Error in Design and Post-stratification weights for Spain (Update)
The design weight for Spain in ESS round 7 has erroneously been set to 2 for 6 respondents. Variable DWEIGHT should be equal to 1 for all Spanish respondents.
The design weight for Spain in ESS round 7 has erroneously been set to 2 for 6 respondents. Variable DWEIGHT should be equal to 1 for all Spanish respondents. Since the design weights are included in the production of the post-stratification weights, all post-stratification weights were also affected by the error.
The design and post-stratification weights will be corrected in future editions of ESS7. In the meantime, please access a temporary file containing the correct values on the ESS7 - 2014 Data Download page.
ESS Multilevel Data updated
The Multilevel Data resource was updated on the 26th of June 2017.
The Multilevel Data resource was updated on the 26th of June 2017.
In this update, survey data from ESS7 was added to the resource, alongside the already published data from ESS4, ESS5 and ESS6. The existing categories of macro data (demography, economy, education, health, crime and political institutions) were expanded with new variables and more recent data to match the ESS round 7 survey data. In addition contextual data concerning immigration added to complement the ESS7 rotating module on that topic.
In addition the ESS4, ESS5 and ESS6 individual level data have been updated to the newest editions available.
ESS7 Error in Dutch education variables (father)
Several respondents were assigned the wrong value in the Father's Education variables (EDULVLFB, EDLVFENL, EISCEDF).
Several respondents were assigned the wrong value in the Father's Education variables (EDULVLFB, EDLVFENL, EISCEDF). The error affects all education values from EDLVFENL = 8 and upwards; EDLVFENL codes 1 to 7 are unaffected. The correct values will be implemented in all published datasets as of ESS7 edition 2.2. In the meantime, please access a temporary file containing the correct values on the ESS7 - 2014 Data Download page.
ESS7 New edition (2.1) of ESS7 Interviewer's questionnaire data
A new edition of ESS7 Interviewer's questionnaire data (2.1) is now available for download on the ESS7 - 2014 Data Download page.
A new edition of ESS7 Interviewer's questionnaire data (2.1) is now available for download on the ESS7 - 2014 Data Download page.
The new release is due to amendments made in variables INTNUM, INTAGEA and INTGNDR for the Netherlands.
ESS7 Missing data for SUPQDD for United Kingdom
The variable SUPQDD ("Day of month, supplementary questionnaire") has been erroneously coded to 99 "Not available" for all respondents for the United Kingdom in ESS7.
The variable SUPQDD ("Day of month, supplementary questionnaire") has been erroneously coded to 99 "Not available" for all respondents for the United Kingdom in ESS7. A data file containing the corrected variable is available for download in the United Kingdom section of the ESS7 - 2014 Data Download page. The variable will be corrected in future updates of the integrated ESS7 data file. In the meantime, we advise our users to update the data by replacing the variable using the following syntax (In this example, note that the data files are stored locally in folder "ESS" on the C: drive):
/FILE=" C:\ESS\ESS7supqGB.sav"
/BY cntry idno.
SAVE OUT "C:\ESS\ESS7e02_1_Update.sav".
use "C:\ESS\ESS7e02_1.dta"
merge 1:1 cntry idno using "C:\ESS\ESS7supqGB.dta", replace update
data ESS.ESS7e02_1_Update;
merge ESS.ESS7e02_1 ESS.ESS7supqGB;
by cntry idno;
ESS1-7 Cumulative file
The ESS Data and Documentation section has been updated with a cumulative data file for the first seven rounds of the ESS.
The ESS Data and Documentation section has been updated with a cumulative data file for the first seven rounds of the ESS. The cumulative data are available from the ESS Cumulative Data Wizard, where users can customise their own subsets of data in different formats. The ESS Cumulative Data Wizard gives access to cumulative data from countries that have been included in the integrated ESS files in two or more rounds. All variables that have been asked in more than one round are included in the cumulative data file.